Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Are Vegans Obligated to Disown Artists who Exploit Animals?

Not my meme, but if you followed this joker's ridiculous "vegan" get the point.

 If you are on facebook as often as I am---which is heartbreakingly you may have seen some of your friends liking or sharing articles  about Beyoncé's disturbing choice to sing along with her husband to a line that glorified domestic violence  at the Grammy awards a  month or so ago. Apparently, there is some shitty line in some shitty song that probably took thirty shitty people to write that references a scene in "What's Love Got to Do With it?" where Ike Turner forces Tina to eat by smashing a cake in her face.

I say "apparently" to all this because I didn't watch. I would consent to have my womb scraped with a rusty file dipped in lemon juice and salt before I ever listened to Beyoncé or her chipmunk cheeked husband. Aside from being a Fur Hag of the highest degree, Beyoncé also had  hideously ugly shoes made from crocodile, cow, and exotic snakes, while Jay-Z had his made from the same plus Ostrich, Stingray, and Lizard. How much of a new money greenhorn do you have to be to want sneakers made out of f***ing Ostrich??

So, fuck Beyoncé and her anti-feminist performances and her stupid songs with the same three repeating lines in them and her ridiculous pandering to some central casting 101 idea of "Fierce Female". I don't buy it and I don't listen, and I do whatever I can to ensure that my dollar is not going into the pocketbook of . And it is an easy sacrifice for me, because she legitimately sucks. But what about Bryan Ferry, my crush object for many years, who defended his son's right to hunt fox and has become kind of a crusty old man about the whole thing? Do I hold him to the same moral scrutiny?  John Lennon kept a closet full of fur coats at the exact same time he was singing "Imagine". Now *that* is some high level hypocrisy. Moving past musicians, do I stop reading Hemingway because he hunted big game? Lots of women in my generation grew up on Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, but Hurston has a lesser known book called Tell my Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica, that describes taking part in religious rituals that kill animals, including boiling a cat alive to procure a bone that will bring back a lost lover. Ms. Hurston took part in these ceremonies as an anthropologist, but you could argue that the moral stain remains even on a detached observer. Do I buy her books for a young woman today?

Hemingway can fuck right off. I always liked Fitzgerald better, anyway. Although Zelda wore fur, didn't she? God Dammit.

Are vegans obligated to stop patronizing artists who support the exploitation of animals?
If so, how far do you take it? Do you stop buying Vogue because they not only feature fur but take an active part in shaping market demand for it, or do you stop buying any fashion magazine that has put fur in an editorial? Do you ban an artist, actor, writer, or musician who wears fur? Eats foie gras openly?  Tweets a pic of themselves at a circus? Stars in a movie that uses live animals? If so, do you write to their managers or whatever and let them know? Do you go out of your way to support vegans who are creative?

I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!  Comment here with your best ideas on consumer protests of art and whether.  All opinions welcome! Keep it (relatively) clean, guys!

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